
Mostrando postagens de dezembro, 2022

"As You Know" From Those Who Don't Know

  This an english version of this post . It was human-translated by me, so it may contain mistakes. Unfortunately some nuances are lost in translation from Portuguese. It has been four months since the release of "As You Know", and I have long promised a review of it. At the time I did a  kind-of complete timeline of the group's history until then. I actually wanted to review the album back then, but a few things changed my mind.

"As You Know" Por Aqueles Que Não Conhecem

Já faz quatro meses do lançamento de " As You Know ", e eu estava devendo um review do mesmo. Na época eu fiz uma timeline razoavelmente completa da história do grupo até então. Na verdade, minha ideia inicial era realmente de fazer um review do álbum, mas algumas circunstâncias me fizeram mudar de ideia.